A course I would like to take

 As the end of my degree approaches, I am more indecisive about what I will do next. But if I had the opportunity to study what I wanted, I would like to take a doctorate in philosophy, with a major in aesthetics and new digital media. Although of course, to access to it, you should have at least a master's degree. The magister in that case, can be the same topic of investigation, new media or contemporary art. The reason why I am interested in doing this doctorate sometime when I have money saved, is that throughout the plastic arts career, the most entertaining classes I had were taught by professors who had done this doctorate. I would like to take a program taught by the University of Chile, since I find it interesting, it also has the advantage of being relatively close to my house where my mother and sister are living. I am a person who cares a lot about the family, so I couldn't do it abroad, but if the classes were online I would change my mind. It would be great to have a degree that says that I studied in Germany or some European place. It shouldn't matter, I know, but I know it matters, especially if you're an artist. And if the course is here I would also like it to be online since as it is a course where you only have to read, I could do it at home and it would be very convenient and cheap. Anyway, it's good to dream, maybe I'll be able to do a master's degree and a doctorate when I grow up and save some money, hopefully so.


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